Sunday, August 23, 2009

I had thing thing pop up on my sisters computer, auto spywhere free pop up on my computer?

it looked like from the windows security, it wanted me to download an application on my computer of an anti spywhere free thing, now me knowing quite abit on computers i was abit causious on this as i think it was a virus but as it said it was from windows security and in brocets it said recommended, did i do the right thing, it said my windows was going to close if i didnt download it, i took my chance and didnt download it and my system was fine.

my sister doesnt have like nortan security but she does hace F-secure internet security 2008 OEM, its part of what the college gave her for her computer so she could do her work on because she didnt have a computer.

did i do the right thing in cancelling it or is it going to bite me in the ****.

i clicked it off for my sisters sake as its her computer an i didnt want her to get a virus, incase it was one.

I had thing thing pop up on my sisters computer, auto spywhere free pop up on my computer?antivirus downloads

Sounds like Microsoft Windows is already infected. Run a full scan with F-Secure, making sure it is up to date.

I had thing thing pop up on my sisters computer, auto spywhere free pop up on my computer?cafe racer

it sounds like adware or spyware, run spybot
its just crap, you did the right thing in ridding it..

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