Monday, August 17, 2009

Hibernation Mode and Security?

I have a betting account with Betfair and my account has been hacked and the account totally emptied. The account is accessed by a username and password known only to myself, or so I thought. Obviously I'm wondering how it's happened. I have Mcafee Security and always have that running. Recently I set up my computer to go into hibernation mode after 20mins of non use. Sometimes the Betfair site was open at the time. Would the password etc get saved to the hard drive and be retrievable by hackers?

Hibernation Mode and Security?free spyware

it not depends on hibernate... remember that your password and user name is encoded and saved on somewhere that checks with entered words and tell you it was invalid or not. maybe the hacker decoded that informations.

hibernate only copies your RAM data into a place of HDD ( any data that saved on you RAM like OS and programms ) then shutts down your computer. and when you turn it on that datas will move from your HDD into RAM again and the oprating system and other programms dont need to be reloaded again. when you turn off your computer your RAM datas will be lost so you have to save your datas from ram to somewhere like HDD or floppy etc. or hibernate your system before shutting down it.

ALL anti viruses and security systems can only defeat your computer from famous viruses or trojans. some spywares and viruses may not recognized by these softwares. maybe that hacker installed a keylogger in your computer. maybe he programed a virus or trojan or keylogger only for your own computer.

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